Substance, Alcohol, Sex & Gambling Addiction, Relationships, Depression, Trauma & Abuse Counselling

Sex Addiction Counselling and Sex Therapy

Confidential and sensitive sex addiction counselling and sex therapy with Win Parry through North of England Counselling.  Over her career Win has helped individuals and couples overcome their problems with betrayal, dating sites and infidelity, the use of pornography and other web related issues.

Do you need to understand the difference between sex addiction and affairs or betrayal?
Do you want to learn the difference between sex addiction, sexual habits and sexual compulsion?
Are you looking for an experienced sex therapist?


Win Parry is a highly experienced and compassionate professional with many years working in the sexual addiction and sexual compulsion field

What Causes Sexual Addictions?

Although sex is a natural part of life, taken to an extreme, it can produce negative consequences.

While psychologists have struggled to arrive at a precise definition for sex addiction, it’s largely believed to include an inability to control or manage one’s sexual behaviour.
In men, the process of becoming a sex addict and engaging in compulsive sexual behaviours often begins at an early age. Sex addiction can and does take many forms.
Early in their development the sex addict may have had direct contact with or access to a sexual image, a sexually active person or a sexual experience that affects a ‘split’ in their sexual awareness and preference. This can very often affect the ability of the sex addict to be emotionally intimate. A sex addiction counselling programme can really make a difference in understanding and addressing this.

In general, sex addicts will have a socially acceptable level of interest in sex ‘on the surface’ and construct an illusion as such. At the same time a ‘covert’ interest develops in ‘observing’ sex in a manner that is remote, objective (rather than subjective) and almost entirely without intimacy or emotional connection. This often leads to the development of ‘non personal’ sexual encounters, leading to ‘cold’ encounters with escort services or carefully chosen ‘anonymous partners’ through online dating sites.

Sex Addicts

The sex addict will have effectively created an outward illusion that all is normal, and an inward delusion that allows them to continue. They will invest a lot of energy in keeping up the facade and hiding any evidence that might expose their behaviour. It is definitely treatable.
The progression of the problem can ultimately lead to constant or obsessional fantasying, acting out or having multiple sexually driven affairs, always with a ‘partner at home’ in complete ignorance. Even at this stage a sex addiction counselling programme can help to turn things around. The act of sexual addiction takes many forms. Various mediums are utilised and various activities engaged in.

The attitude of ‘non personal sexual encounters’ is one that partners of sex addicts often battle to understand the most.
When the deceit and covert sexual behaviour is found out, partners of sex addicts often look to themselves for the reason or the cause of their partners devastating behaviour, and constantly ask ‘why did you’ or ‘how could you do this to me’.

Win can help you start a process to finding a solution to help you and those close to you regain a quality of life affected by sex addiction. Win has a structured and caring approach.

Call 0800 246 5485 for a confidential appointment with Win, a qualified Psychotherapist with over 25 years experience as Director of Addictions within the Priory Hospital Group and 15 years experience as an Independent Practitioner.